Little Johny and Teacher

Teacher asked her class: "If there are five birds(flying kind) on the fence and you shoot one of them, how many birds are left?"

Little Johnny answers: "None are left, they all fly away at the sound of the first shot."

Teacher: "No actually four are left but I like the way you think."

Little Johnny: "Teacher, can I ask you a question?"

Teacher: "Yes, you may"

Little Johnny: "There are three women sitting on a bench eating icecream. One is gently licking the side of her triple scoope cone, the second has gobbled the top of the icecream and is now sucking what's left out of the cone and the third is just takng huge bites out of the ice cream. Which one is married?"

Teacher blushes red in embarrassment but decides to answer: "Well, I guess it would be the one that gobbled the top of the ice cream and and is sucking what is left out of the cone."

Little Johnny: "No actually the married woman is the one with the wedding ring on but I like the way you think"

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